Sharlana Chenelle

Sharlana Chenelle

The Spiritual Misconception of Veganism: 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Vegan

First off, I do not like to use the word vegan, simply because so many people have a different idea and definition of what veganism really is. Some ethical vegans believe that most people who go plant-based are not truly vegan as they still visit zoo’s, aquariums, etc. and they believe true vegans do not. The term was first deemed by Donald Watson in 1944 supposedly as a statement to vegetarians.  However, the word vegan has become an umbrella term over the years so we will use the term for the sake of this article.

You may find yourself asking the question, should I be vegan? We live in a world where diet has become a status of religion. You will find every opposing view on the internet both agreeing and disagreeing with the vegan lifestyle, yet BOTH provide hardcore facts, personal experiences (both physical and spiritual) as well as research about the benefits and pitfalls of each. This can make it really hard to decide if veganism is right for you. Okay, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be vegan, but this article can help you decide if veganism is right for you, so first let’s define veganism and the four types.

“By definition according to the Oxford dictionary. Veganism is the practice of eating only foods not derived from animals and typically avoiding the use of other animal products.” This sometimes includes certain clothing, makeup and skincare products and more strict vegans even eliminate sugar, as it is likely to have been processed with animal products, depending on what type of vegan they are. Which leads us to the four types of veganism, which are ethical, environmental, health and religious vegans. Since this article is about the reasons you should not go vegan I will not go in depth about the four types, but wanted to give you an overview of what defines veganism and the different types.

Okay! Now that we got that out of the way! The 3 Reasons Why you shouldn’t be vegan.

  1. You are afraid to follow your heart

Religion, especially new age spiritual religion, can confuse a lot of people. Leading you to believe that if you consume animal products that you are not a spiritual being or cannot be spiritually in tune. This could not be further from the truth, a diet and spiritual practice is a very personal one. The truth is, is that we are all spiritual beings. The reason many believe you must be vegan is because foods hold vibration. But so do people, so my opinion is that when it comes to spirituality, your food preference will be based off your personal vibration and karmic debt. It is your responsibility to go within, use discernment, and decide which is best for your journey. Remember! Everything is vibrating, so nothing stays constant. You may receive a message to consume animal products one moment and completely eliminate them the next. You must understand that we are all Biologically individual beings and that there are sooooo many different factors that contribute to one’s diet. The BookThe Inflammation Spectrum” by Dr. Will Cole and Eve Adamson help to explain this perfectly. While I do find some vegans may find the book a little offensive due to the approach on how to detect inflammation in the body, the authors do offer alternatives. I suggest you read it for yourself and go along the path that is right for you.

  1. You are afraid of what other people might think.

So you’ve made the commitment to become vegan. You got all excited and began practicing preaching and promoting this beautiful lifestyle. All of a sudden, after a year’s time, you become deficient in a particular nutrient and or it is truly in your heart to begin consuming animal products again. BUT you are afraid of what others (vegan and non-vegan) might think…so you decide to (unhappily and unhealthily) stay vegan.  

This is one of the worst reasons to be vegan in my very humble opinion. One should never allow another being to dictate their personal journey. You should only take what truly resonates with you and release the rest. Besides, anyone who judges others based on their personal decisions isn’t any better than you (no one is). No matter what their diet consists of.

  1. You think you’re saving the planet.

Let’s keep it simple. You are still consuming food that required killing and sacrificing other live organisms. There is just too much proof out there that supports the fact that America’s agriculture system isn’t good for anyone. It doesn’t just destroy wildlife, bees, and other insects, it is also destroying us, it is destroying Earth, and if you shop at a grocery store, you are part of the problem.  Not only is it destroying our home but This article from The Guardian touches on the intense labor of undocumented immigrants and sheds light on what it really takes to get those veggies on our plate. Despite the claim that avoiding meat consumption reduces your carbon footprint, during my time in Nebraska, witnessing the damaging effects America’s agriculture system has on the planet, I will have to simply disagree. That is why I feel Permaculture is the true way of life and compassion. We cannot save anyone until we learn how to GROW OUR OWN FOOD!

Conclusion Regardless of your decision, It is extremely important to take care of your mind, body, and spirit and nourish it the best way you see fit. Try to steer clear of processed foods and find the foods that are meant for your body and blood type like in The New York Time’s Best Seller… “Eat right for your Type. Eat right for your Type: the individualized Blood Type Diet” by Peter J. D’Adamo. There is also an encyclopedia on the same subject. Regardless, it is still important to consume as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible for most people. It is also important to note that even if you decide to consume animal products it may be a very good idea to limit them since most people still consume nuts, grains, and seeds, which may come as a surprise to some, but can be highly inflammable to many, even when soaked. This is personally one of the reasons I decided a vegan lifestyle is not right for me. I have gone completely plant based numerous times in my life but could never figure out why I still had a lot of issues. Instead, I opt to fast regularly. Regardless of what type of vegan you are, almost EVERYONE can benefit from FASTING. Personally, I fast often and consume PLENTY of water.

What are your thoughts? Do you feel like diet is based on bio individuality? Let me know in the comments!

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