Sharlana Chenelle

Sharlana Chenelle

Living Life With Purpose: 16 Self-Help Books to Help Elevate 4 Areas of Your Life

Living with purpose means actively working on improving different areas of our lives and educating ourselves on life’s issues. One powerful way to do this is through reading books. By immersing ourselves in literature, we gain valuable insights and knowledge that can transform our lives. 

     Firstly, actively working on self-improvement allows us to cultivate a sense of direction and fulfillment. It gives us a clear vision of what we want to achieve and motivates us to take intentional actions towards our goals.

     Secondly, educating ourselves on different aspects of life, such as relationships, diet and health, habits and discipline, equips us with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions. It empowers us to build healthier relationships, make better dietary choices, develop positive habits, and cultivate discipline in our lives. Lastly, by creating our own idea of peace and success, we take control of our destiny instead of passively letting life happen to us and folding under the pressure of societal “norms”. We define our own values, set meaningful goals, and work towards creating a life that aligns with our true desires. Living with purpose allows us to experience personal growth, fulfillment, and a greater sense of satisfaction in all areas of our lives.

16 Self- Help Books To Help You Elevate Your Life

Want to understand eating habits and improve your diet and health?

Feeling lost and hopeless about health and diet can be an incredibly frustrating and discouraging experience. It often stems from a lack of clarity, conflicting information, and the overwhelming number of options available. However, one way to address this is by empowering ourselves through education in the field of health and nutrition. By seeking reliable sources of information, consulting professionals, and conducting thorough research, we can gain a deeper understanding of what our bodies truly need and how to nourish them effectively. Here are 4 books to help you gain a better understanding of improving diet and health.

1) “The Inflammation Spectrum” by Dr. Will Cole-  In this informative book, functional medicine expert Dr. Will Cole explores the impact of inflammation on our overall health. Dr. Cole presents a comprehensive plan to identify and address the root causes of inflammation, offering personalized strategies to reduce inflammation and improve well-being. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to optimize their health and prevent chronic diseases.

2) “Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Blood Type Solution” by Peter J. D’Adamo-

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo introduces the concept that our blood type influences how our bodies react to different foods. Dr. D’Adamo provides personalized dietary recommendations based on blood type, helping readers understand which foods are beneficial and which should be avoided. By following this individualized approach, readers can optimize their health, improve digestion, boost energy levels, and even manage weight more effectively.

3) “Fit for Life” by Harvey Diamond- Harvey Diamond’s groundbreaking book challenges conventional wisdom about nutrition and offers a fresh perspective on healthy eating. “Fit for Life” emphasizes the importance of consuming raw foods, proper food combining, and adopting a natural lifestyle. Diamond’s approach aims to improve digestion, increase energy levels, and promote overall well-being.


4) “The Mucusless Diet Healing System” by Prof. Arnold Ehret- Prof. Arnold Ehret’s classic work focuses on the connection between diet and health. He advocates for a mucus-free diet, which involves consuming alkaline, plant-based foods to eliminate mucus and toxins from the body. Ehret’s book provides a comprehensive guide to detoxification, healing, and achieving optimal health through dietary changes. Following this principle while also applying knowledge from “Eat Right for Your Type” can enhance this method.

Want to Improve your habits and self-discipline?

Having good habits and self-discipline is essential for personal growth, success, and overall well-being. Good habits help us maintain a structured and organized life, enabling us to make progress towards our goals and live a more fulfilling life. Self-discipline allows us to resist immediate gratification and make choices that align with our long-term objectives. It helps us stay focused, motivated, and resilient in the face of challenges. Educating one’s self on these matters will greatly benefit them on achieving the life they desire. Here are 4 self-help books on improving habits and self-discipline

1) “Willpower” by Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney- Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have more willpower than others? In “Willpower,” renowned psychologist Roy F. Baumeister and science writer John Tierney explore the science behind self-control and offer practical strategies to strengthen our willpower. Drawing on extensive research, the authors provide insights into the psychology of willpower, how it can be depleted, and how to effectively manage and enhance it. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to overcome procrastination, break bad habits, and achieve their goals.


2) “Atomic Habits” by James Clear- Clear explores the power of small habits and how they can lead to remarkable results. He provides practical strategies for building good habits, breaking bad ones, and making lasting changes in various areas of life.


3)The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey- Covey’s book is a timeless classic that outlines seven habits that can transform your personal and professional life. It emphasizes principles such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and seeking win-win solutions.


4)”The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg- Duhigg delves into the neurological and psychological processes that shape our habits, revealing how they are formed, how they can be changed, and how they influence our behavior. Through engaging stories and compelling research, Duhigg demonstrates how habits can be harnessed to transform our personal and professional lives. He provides practical strategies for identifying and modifying habits, enabling readers to create positive change and achieve their goals. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the power of habits and leverage them to enhance productivity, improve relationships, and cultivate personal growth.

Feeling overwhelmed with life and needing to slow down?

     Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. It can leave us feeling stressed, anxious, and disconnected from ourselves. However, one way to overcome this is by embracing the benefits of moving through life at our own pace and not succumbing to social norms that don’t align with our values or bring us fulfillment, including but not limited to societal pressures of marriage, child bearing, and astronomical career success, especially by a certain age or within a certain time frame.                                                     By doing so, we can regain a sense of control and prioritize our well-being. It is important to remember that our work does not define us; it is just one aspect of our lives. By recognizing this, we can break free from the pressure to constantly prove ourselves and find a healthier work-life balance. Embracing our individuality and following our own path allows us to focus on what truly brings us joy and satisfaction. It enables us to set boundaries, allocate time for self-care, personal growth, and meaningful relationships. By moving through life at our own pace, we can create a more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling existence, ultimately overcoming the overwhelming feelings that societal pressures can bring.

1)”Do Nothing” by Celeste Headlee- In a world that glorifies busyness and pushes the narrative that ones self worth is In a world that glorifies busyness, Headlee challenges the notion that constant productivity is the key to success. She explores the importance of rest, leisure, and being present, offering insights on how to find balance and reclaim our lives. on their “work ethic” Headlee challenges the notion that constant productivity is the key to success. She explores the importance of rest, leisure, and being present, offering insights on how to find balance and reclaim our lives.

2)”Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price- Price challenges the negative perception of laziness and argues that it is often a symptom of deeper issues. They delve into the societal pressures and systemic factors that contribute to our productivity-obsessed culture, offering a compassionate perspective.

3)”Slow Living” by Helena Woods-Woods explores the concept of slow living and its benefits for our well-being. She provides practical tips on simplifying our lives, embracing mindfulness, and finding joy in the present moment.

4)”Slowing Down to the Speed of Life: How To Create a Peaceful, Simpler Life From the Inside Out” by Joseph Bailey and Richard Carlson- This book is a transformative guide that offers practical wisdom for finding peace and simplicity in our fast-paced world. The authors emphasize the importance of slowing down and living in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for future goals. Through insightful anecdotes and practical exercises, Bailey and Carlson teach readers how to let go of stress, worry, and the need for constant busyness. They provide tools for cultivating mindfulness, managing time effectively, and creating a more balanced and fulfilling life. This book serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize self-care, embrace simplicity, and find joy in the present moment. It is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to escape the chaos of modern life and create a more peaceful and meaningful existence.

Want to improve your romantic relationships?

Do you feel like you are a hopeless romantic? Or that No matter how hard you try, no one seems to understand you? Or ever get the feeling that true love just doesn’t exist? If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone. Many people believe that love just happens by chance, and while there is some truth to this, the reality is that love is a choice.

                It is easy feel like you just have “no luck” when it comes to relationships, when you see what appears to be perfectly happy couples that seem to never leave the honeymoon stage. But chances are they have had their fair share of rough patches. It is extremely important to realize that NO relationship is perfect and that EVERY relationship, especially long-term ones, have had their fair share of ups and downs. 

Not everyone wants to deal with the work and effort required to maintain a healthy romantic relationship, and this is okay. One can still live a very happy and fulfilling life without a romantic relationship or even children for that matter, and while I feel strong platonic relationships are extremely beneficial and fulfilling to a persons joy and satisfaction in life, we will focus on romantic relationships for now and delve deeper into improving platonic relationships in a later article, especially since a lot of the advice and methods could be applied to platonic relationships as well.

Love and relationships require a great deal of patience and understanding, as they involve two unique individuals with their own perspectives and needs. However, it is crucial to emphasize that abuse should never be accepted or tolerated in any form. Abuse, whether physical, emotional, or verbal, is never justified and should never be a part of any healthy relationship. It is important to set boundaries and prioritize one’s safety and well-being. Love should be built on respect, trust, and kindness, and any form of abuse goes against these fundamental principles. It is essential to recognize the signs of abuse and seek help and support if necessary, as everyone deserves to be in a safe and loving relationship. Here are 4 books on improving romantic relationships.

1)”Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married” by Gary Chapman- In this insightful book, renowned relationship expert Gary Chapman shares his wisdom on the essential aspects of a successful marriage. Chapman explores common pitfalls and offers practical advice on communication, expectations, and love languages. This book is a must-read for anyone considering marriage or seeking to strengthen their relationship.

2)”Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love” by Richard and Kristine Carlson- This book offers practical advice for maintaining a loving and harmonious relationship. It addresses common relationship challenges and provides strategies for effective communication, understanding, and appreciation.

3)”Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” by John Gray- Gray explores the differences between men and women and offers insights into how to bridge the communication gap. This book provides valuable tools for understanding and nurturing relationships.

4)”The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman- Another gem by Gary Chapman, this book delves into the concept of love languages and how understanding them can transform your relationships. Chapman identifies five primary love languages – words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch – and explains how to effectively communicate love to your partner. This book is a valuable resource for enhancing intimacy and connection in any relationship.

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